Sunday, February 07, 2010


So I just woke up & have the worst case of random thoughts per second
ever. Figured I'd stop polluting the Twitter timeline (I hate when ppl
do that) & take it to the blog. Ergo, here I am...

Just looked up my name in the urban dictionary & it means "if u don't
give a f*#! & responsible, caring"... How does that work? Lol

Looks like somebody has me down to a T. I feel like both most of the
time... Hmm, they might be on to something here *applause*

Just realized I put T.I in my prev tweet. Made me think of T.I. When
is he coming back? We need some good southern music again. Save them!
I have the greatest urge to tell someone to "go to sleep ho!" but the
only person that's up is my sweet friend Joy & I can't tell her that.

Speaking of "go to sleep ho!". Luda's album is dropping next month.
Hope it's good. His music usually is though.

Actor & his lil bro are up this late watchin anime. TDB (Too damn big)
& TDT (Too damn thirsty)

I'm gettin tired of everyone doing "futuristist/out of this world"
things. Over it! *Jay Z* On to the NEXT one...

Saw Mike Vick's documentary thingy. Are u kidding me? You've been dog
fighting since u were 7/8 yrs old & had the audacity to deny it? Boy
please! Next!

And his cousin was the one that blew everything out of the water by
getting busted for drugs (I think) & giving them the address to the
house. Smdh. Hmm hmm hmm! Vick, u KNOW u can't just be letting anybody
all in your house. Family or not! Some ppl just bring trouble with them.

It made me realize how many ppl were affected by his situation though.
His whole family was depending on his money so when he went under
evryone was struggling to pay their rent/ car notes & etc.

Shows that u should never rely on someone else financially. It's nice
to be taken cared of but one should still have his/ her own money.

Never depend on anything. Evrything in life is fleeting. Always have a
secured back up plan & a back up plan for the back up plan.

Regardless of his situation. Vick still is a hell of a fb player &
evryone blew his crime way out of proportion anyway. Even though he
did have like 60 injured dogs there (that's alot of freaking dogs
dude) I bet if he was Payton Manning or the like he would've gotten a
lesser sentence. What he did wasn't right but I'm just talking from
the publicity & punishment standpoint. *Kanye shrugs*
(P. Manning reference via Actor)

Why does the iPhone always change to landscape when I lay down? Just
cuz I lay down don't mean I wanna freaking look at my screen sideways
u effer!

Yea yea I know the screen is turned when I lay down so the phone
thinks I want landscape. But I don't & it should be smart enough to
figure that out dammit!

I'm hungry *loses train of thought.
Thinking bout what's in the fridge*

Ok kids. I'm off to raid the fridge or turn over & go back to sleep.
Night/ morning for now. Toodloohs!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I put my plant near the window to catch some sunlight & misted it. Doesn't look like the dead branches are going to get better... But guess what?! There are new baby ones that grew! Yay!!! My coworkers said that I should cut all of the dead parts of the plant off to allow room for the new ones to grow & flourish. I know nothing about plants but it sounds like a good idea. That also sounds like a good life lesson too: Cut all the dead parts off to allow room for new & better things to grow & flourish.

Hmmmmm... Think about that kids... Plant philosophies rock!

Monday, January 25, 2010




At work & decided to write SOMETHING since I've abandoned my blog for so long... Again lol

Anyhoos, my boss gave me this tiny pine tree for X'mas & I forgot it at work during our 10 days vacation & it basically withered. It's still green but extremely droopy.

I'm on a mission to revive it! I love flowers, plants etc & hate to see anything go without a fight.

I've been misting it with a spray bottle & watering every so often since it said to not over water.

I'll let u know how it goes. *crosses fingers*


Thursday, October 15, 2009


My coworker lost her battle to gall bladder cancer today. She was only diagnosed months ago & was reacting so well to chemo & all of a sudden doctors said she had 24 hrs to live on Monday.

She hung on all the way until today.

I was closer to her than most of my other coworkers. Despite the generation gap & noticable age difference she understood me & I her. 

She was a beloved woman & I pray for her & her family. I know she's in a better place now... 

She was always strong & full of life & personality. She was 69 so I hope that life was all that she thought it would be when she was a little girl. It doesn't matter how old you are; sometimes life just isn't long enough.

It's hard to write much more about her because I still can't embrace the fact that she's gone... 

Farewell my Nellie. I will always miss you 

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I'm backkkkk

Woww. I haven't blogged in so long I forgot my password. Smh.
Anyhoos, feels like yrs have passed since we last talked cuz soooo much has happened. I don't even know where to start...

Guess I'll do highlights then get into more details gradually.

In the last 5 months:
- My parents retired & moved out of state. It's bittersweet for me: I'm happy for them cuz they can relax & not have to work anymore but I'm also sad that I can't go see them as often. It's definitely one of those things that you don't value until it's gone... or far away.

- Actor had his 26th bday and it had to be his best party thus far. We had a house party at one of our friend's townhouse and everybody & their mama showed up. Well, no moms but u know what I mean. Lol.
We pulled out all the stops for decoration: red carpet up the stairs, red lights, streamers, 2 cakes and etc. It was definitely a memorable night. And somehow I don't have any pictures. Think I was too busy hosting to take any.

- I had a photo shoot for my girl's hair portfolio. We wore all black & she did our hair & make up. The pix turned out pretty cool & there are still more coming once they go through the editing process.
So if you're ever in Atl & need to get your hurrr did holla at Joy Tolentino. She's THE best hairstylist in the city. No lie. I'm very picky & she's the only person I'll let do my hair. Check her work out at Flickr. Search for "sokaiokyoon"

It's also the link to photographer KaiYoon. He's a great up & coming. Watch out for him.

- I also shot an extra part for a movie that Actor's a lead in. It was fun! They should be premiering it soon. Yeee!

- My dog has THE worst case of fleas this summer. According to the vets this is one of the biggest flea season they've ever seen. We gave him a flea bath, collar & drops and he STILL has fleas. Gotta spray the yard next. But hopefully when it gets colder they'll go away.
Well enough rambling for the day. What have you guys been up to?

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, May 11, 2009

I hung out with my mommy on Saturday instead of Sunday. And we didn't really consider it a "Mother's Day" event cuz my parents don't celebrate any American holidays. lol. We were just talking, laughing & she caught me up on all of her friends' (whom I don't know) business. So I was just like "Oh, ok..." lol. Don't care what we talk about or do. I just like being around her. She makes me feel peaceful.

I made Bre's mom a cool Mother's Day card (that took forever cuz I was watching the Hawks vs. Cavs game & getting pissed off.) I would post it on here but I forgot to take a picture of it like a dummy.

Anyhoos, I woke up to my own handmade Mother's Day card from my doggy Brando :-D Actor made it for me. It had Happy Mother's Day on the outside & Brando's paw on the inside. Best card I've ever gotten.

Actor had to draw & cut all of the letters for the card out individually & said that he has so much respect for my card business now. Said it took him forever & he could barely cut out the letters & make it look good/ neat. I make all of my cards from scratch. I draw & cut out everything from the letters to the pictures & etc. Usually takes me 1-2 hrs. for one card.

It's pretty cool for people to try to do what you do & realize it's not as easy as it looks. I bet if I tried to write a rap song for him it would come out jacked up. Or I'd stick to what most rappers do nowadays & just do rhyming sentences with absolutely no word play, whack deliveries & off key singing. Oops, did I just sneek a diss in there? That would be a yes...

Anyhoos, on Sunday we took Actor's mom out to this sea food restaurant. I don't really do the whole Captain D's fried seafood deal but this was a greatttt restaurant. Definitely not fast food. I ordered this sampler plate of different fried seafoods & MANNNNNNNN. When I tell you that they brought out the plate & it was stack like half a foot tall? I am NOT LYING. I should've taken a picture of it. I've been slacking on my camera duty. Geesh.

I thought they were gonna give me 1 or 2 pc of each thing but I had like a gazillion big pieces of fish, jumbo shrimp, deviled crab, oysters, and Lord knows what else... And their hush puppies were shaped like onion rings & were the diameter of a baseball. lol. I'm not even kidding!

Me & Actor had 3 to go boxes of leftovers. Yea.... THAT much food.

All in all it was a great Mother's Day weekend. I hope everyone spent time with your moms and/or loved ones who are like moms.

Be blessed

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Man it's been a crazy couple of weeks. I barely have time to blog anymore. Boo me. Shameless to say I've actually been on Twitter lately so most of my updates have been on there. Follow me @hanhnybun if you want.

Anyhoos, here's a quick recap of everything I've been meaning to write for the last couple:

~ Why do people go crazyyy when something is free? Last week KFC gave away a piece of grilled chicken & I heard that it was mad chaos. I'm glad I missed that. This week apparently Oprah is giving away a free 2 piece meal at KFC & apparently everybody & their mama is getting their chicken ON. I went to KFC today not knowing about the giveaway & was freaking trapped in the parking lot! UGH! I didn't even want it as soon as I saw the line of cars wrapped around the drive through & the parking lot. But I couldn't even get out! Cars were every which way in & out of the parking lot in every direction. It was freaking gridlocked! IN A PARKING LOT. WTF?!

And even the inside was wrapped around to outside. OUTSIDE. Mannnn. Whoever is PR/ Marketing for KFC should get a big ass raise. Got Oprah to join the grilled chicken train. Props to you!

~ After I finally got out of the parking lot, tell me why I went to Wendy's & asked for McNuggets?... FAILED

~ Tell me why a hispanic person (I don't know man or woman as I didn't see them) just got rushed out on a stretcher in the business next to ours? Which is a hispanic business might I add? And on a tangent, tell my why I read in the news a couple of days ago that there are 2 swine flu cases in Metro Atlanta now. One where I work & one where I live. How convenient. AND the case where I work the family refused treatment & wasn't quarantined but instead told to stay at home until they got better. WHAT?! I didn't know that that was an option! How can you deny treatment to something that you know you're sick with? That's just insanity to me, but who am I to judge right?

So excuse me if I'm all swine flu paranoid right now if someone in the same building as me has to be rushed out on a stretcher. I'm hoping it's not worst case scenario. *crosses fingers*

~ One of the coworkers that I actually liked quit Friday. And I just found out yesterday. I didn't even get to say bye! Moped... My last conversation with her was when I thought she was going out for an appointment. She said bye & I said "Where are you going?" as in "Which appt. are you going to?" and she said "I don't know" & hugged me & that was it.

Looking back now I see how she would've thought that I knew. Boo. How come the people that I don't like are still here? haha.

~ I'm trying to tone up for the beach. Me & Actor are going with my sister & her fam. It'll be the 1st time that my sis & Actor meet so I'm excited about that. And I REFUSE to wear a bikini if I'm not toned by then.

~ We watched the unrated version of Hitman last night. It was popping as hell. Dunno why people gave it bad reviews. Maybe cuz they showed the rated version at the theaters. But if you've already seen it watch it again with the unrated version. It was realllly good.

~ I bought 180 VHS tapes for $30. haha. Don't ask. I had to buy a VCR to even watch them. But it's been so fun catching up on old movies that I've never seen before. I.E. Matrix. Dances With Wolves. Conspiracy Theory, etc. Yes I've never seen the Matrix till this yr. Don't judge me! I went to see Matrix 2 when it came out but fell asleep cuz my date was boring.

~ Did anyone see the Pacquiao/ Hatton fight? MANNNNNNNNN. I already knew Hatton was going down but I don't think ANYBODY thought it was gonna be that quick. Lol! As soon as Pacquiao knocked him down the 1st time in the 1st round I knew it was over. I KNEW Hatton was going down in the 2nd round. DEFINITELY. Should've betted but I forgot to.

~ And Pacquiao vs. Mayweather? I'm sorry but I've got my money on Mayweather. I love both of them & they're both quick & strong but I think Mayweather is stronger. Now if only he would stop talking so much shit... But that's gonna be a GREAT fight. And I will be watching :-)

~ We watched game 7 of the Hawks vs. Heat & was so happy that the Hawks won. Mannn we were so crunk on a Sunday. lol! I feel so bad for them though cuz there's probably no way that they're going through King James. I missed the 1st game but hope they win at least one game with the Cavs.

~ We went to eat Pho (Vietnamese cuisine) after the game. It was delicious! I actually got Pho instead of the Vermicelli dish that I usually get. Yummm